Price List

GjaldskraPrice List 2017

Annual fee for library users 18 and over 1.850 ISK

Short-term membership card (1 book for 1 month) 700 ISK

Annual fee for institutions 3.200 ISK


Insurance cost for non-residents 3.200 ISK
(The insurance cost in half for short term memberships)

Replacement of library card 350 ISK


DVD - films FREE


Other Services

Interlibrary loans are 800 kr. per book or article that are sent by mail


Photocopies are 35 kr. per page for one sided and 45 kr. per page for double sided (black and white in both sizes A4 and A3)

Scanning services are available for 35 kr per page (black and white in both sizes A4 and A3)

Computer printouts are 35 kr per page (black and white)



Late fees for adult books are 20 kr/day up to 700 kr. per book


Late fees for children’s books are 8 kr. /day up to 350 kr. per book

Late fees for young children’s books are 6 kr. /day up to 150 kr. per book


Late fees for DVDS are 400 kr. / day up to 1400 kr.

Maximum late fees to be accumulated are 3500 kr. per adult and 1800 kr. per child


Pricelist for lost or damaged resources:

Books (2 years old or less) 2.800 ISK

Children and youth books (2 years old or less) 4.200 ISK

Audio books (2 years old or less) 4.200 ISK

Language learning resources  4.200 ISK


For adults 2.000 ISK

For children 2.000 ISK

Please note: We cannot accept new DVDs to replace lost or damaged DVDs due to copyright laws. 

Comic and Manga books 1.700 ISK

Paperback romance novels or The Legend of the Ice People 1.200 ISK

Magazine 850 ISK

CD 2.200 ISK

Donald Duck comics  850 ISK

Library resources that are older than 2 years old have 50% of the replacement price while nonfiction books are evaluated on case to case basis. 

Pensioners, children and youth under 18, as well as community members, who are unemployed or disabled with documentation, receive free library access. Aside from the annual fee, all other guidelines are in place.