Masterpieces in miniature

Grimur Karlsson's miniature boats 

Grímur Karlsson was born in 1935 in the fishing port of Siglufjörður, north Iceland, Grímur Karlsson, moved with his parents to Njarðvík on the Reykjanes peninsula in 1950, where he has lived ever since.

 That same year, still aged only 14, Karlsson went to sea. Two years later, he became a skipper, so beginning a career as master of a succession of fishing boats that would last for over 30 years.

On his retirement in 1984, Karlsson began a new career crafting a fleet of model boats, some of which form the exhibits on display here. At the same time, he began collecting a variety of material on Iceland’s rich maritime past and traditions.

Rich in detail and taking countless hours of patient work to build, each of Karlsson’s intricate models reflects not only his abilities as a master craftsman, but as a passionate lover of the sea and everything connected with it.

Grímur Karlsson passed away on June 7th 2017.