Thirteenth Night, a celebration of the last day of Christmas

Let your inner creature out! 

The world is full of elfs, trolls and creatures of all kinds whome stay in hiding most of the time. Once a year people can let their inner creature out, but only of course on the Thirteenth Night, an Icelandic holiday where we celebrate the last day of Christmas.

Saturday, January 6th the fairy king and queen will lead the walk of flares along with their court. The walk will begin at 17:00 at Myllubakkaskóli and end at Hafnargata 8 where the celebration will take place. We encourage parents to let their children participate in the festival and let them dress up as a creature of some sort. At the festival the Santa Clauses mother, Grýla will greet you along with singing elves and more creatures. All trolls and creatures are encouraged to let loose and show their true face.

You can warm up by the bondfire along with some cookies and hot chocolate and enjoy the entertainment. Finally the Rescue Team of Suðurnes will say goodbye to Christmas with a wonderful display of fireworks.

You can park your car at Ægisgata and the Town Hall at Tjarnargata 12.