The exhibition INFRA-GLOW opens at the Reykjanes Art Museum on Saturday 11 March at 2 pm and closes on Sunday 16 April 2023.

INFRA-GLOW is curated by Elise Bergonzi, Daria Testoedova and Hannah Zander, MA students in Curatorial Practice in the Department of Fine Art at the Iceland University of the Arts. The exhibition brings together works by Carissa Baktay, Claire Paugam, Claudia Hausfeld, Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, Hye Joung Park, Iða Brá Ingadóttir and Þórdís Erla Zoëga, with a focus on the impact of local surroundings on inner experiences and expression.


In the introduction to their catalogue essay, the curators write:

“INFRA-GLOW gathers artworks by Carissa Baktay, Þórdís Erla Zoëga, Iða Brá Ingadóttir, Claire Paugam, Hye Joung Park, Claudia Hausfeld and Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, that provoke the intimacy of collective relationships between our bodies, our minds and our surroundings. The idea of imperceptible closeness between us, our mundane surfaces, and their fluid porousness is a starting point. In Iceland, the gradually polarizing effects on human perspective caused by the summer and winter equinoxes twists our biological clock, highlighting the moments where our surroundings blend with states of intimacy and solitude. Leading up to and during the midnight sun, the illusion of additional time allows for new ground to be covered, a prismatic view where one could reflect, immerse, lie, or rest. In contrast, the eclipsing effect that begins to happen immediately after sunlight hours hits their peak starts to reel in the peripherals, narrowing awareness through a threshold towards the interior. Organic and manufactured merge, allowing for the sound of our inner bodies to blend with the silence of our daily landscapes.”

Since 2021 the Reykjanes Art Museum has invited 1st year MA students of Curatorial Practice at the Iceland University of the Arts to curate an exhibition for the museum, in collaboration with the MA study line. There, emphasis is placed on curation as an expanded and interdisciplinary practice and field of research, where learning together is a key theme.


Graphic design by Hugi Ólafsson.

Lighting Design by Rósa Dögg Þorsteinsdóttir.